Preparazione efficace all'autogestione del diabete mellito.
2022 ComET-ets - C.F. 97164840585
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From 2003 to 2008, we realized a residential training in Therapeutic Education based on the attendance to our School-Camps for teenagers, consisting in participating in all the training activities and care of young patients, and in attending some dedicatedlectures.Approximately 50 ECM credits were awarded each time for the professional categories of doctors, nurses and dieticians.
The Course-at-Camp 2008 took place during the school-camp for adolescents with diabetes, on June 25 - July 3 at Rivisondoli (AQ). The teachers were: the diabetologists D. Bloise, L. Carboni, G. Careddu, E. Fraticelli, A.M., L. Mereu; the pedagogists N. Piana and G. Romani; the nurse D. Cristofanelli.
The health workers who participated in the course as learners were 9 (3 MD, 6 RN), coming from Sardinia (5), from Lazio (2), and from Piedmont (2).
The detailed program can be downloaded below. ⇓
The Course-at-Camp 2007 took place during the school-camp for adolescents with diabetes, on August 28th - September 5th at Castelsardo (SS). The teachers were: the diabetologists D. Bloise, L. Carboni, G. Careddu, E. Fraticelli, A.M., L. Mereu; the pedagogist N. Piana; the nurse A. Satta Hai.
The health workers who took part in the course as students were 6 (5 MD, 1RN), coming from Lazio (2), from Sicily (2), from Sardinia (1), from Puglia (1).
The detailed program can be downloaded below. ⇓
The Course-at-Camp 2006 took place during the school-camp for adolescents with diabetes, on 20-28 June at Roccaraso (AQ). The teachers were: the diabetologists D. Bloise, L. Carboni, G. Careddu, E. Fraticelli, A.M., L. Mereu; the pedagogist N. Piana; the nurse R. Ghidelli.
The health workers who participated in the course as learners were 12 (5 MD, 6 RN, 1 psych), from Sardinia (6), from Lazio (3), from Abruzzo(1), from Umbria (1) and from Piedmont (1).
The detailed program can be downloaded below. ⇓
The 2005 Course-at-Camp took place during the school-Camp for adolescents with diabetes, on June 20-28 at Lanusei (NU). The teachers were: the diabetologists D. Bloise, L. Carboni, E. Fraticelli, A.M.; the pedagogist N. Piana; the nurse M.B. Spiga; the dietician G. Usala.
The health workers who participated in the course as learners were 16 (9 MD, 6 RN, 1 RD), coming from Lazio (8), from Sardinia (6), from Liguria (1) and from Piedmont (1).
The detailed program can be downloaded below. ⇓
The 2004 Course-at-Camp took place during the school-Camp for adolescents with diabetes, on June 22-30 at Lanusei (NU). The teachers were: the diabetologists A. Baldelli, D. Bloise, L. Carboni, A.M.A.M *.; the pedagogist N. Piana; the nurse L. Marongiu; the dietician E. Madau. The health workers who participated in the course as students were 11 (5 MD, 3 RD, 2 psychol. and 1 RN), from Sardinia (5), Calabria (2), Lombardy (2), Alto Adige (1) and Umbria (1). The detailed program can be downloaded below. ⇓
The course-at-camp 2003 took place during the school-camp for adolescents with diabetes, on September 3-12 at Civitella Alfedena (AQ), in the Abruzzo National Park. The teachers were the diabetologists: A. Baldelli, D. Bloise, L. Carboni, E. Fraticelli, A.M. and L. MancaBitti (pediatrician). The health workers who participated in the course as students were 6 (2 MD, 4 RN), all from Sardinia. The detailed program can be downloaded below. ⇓