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Courses for SIEDP

The Italian Society of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology (SIEDP)* brings together health professionals who are concerned, among other things, with treating children and adolescents with type-1 diabetes. Our experience in Therapeutic Patient Education (TPE) - in particular after the introduction of the narrative-autobiographic approach in the school-camps for teenagers - has led its managers to ask us to plan together a refresher course in TPE centered in particular on the skills required for the therapeutic education of young patients. We have done more than one edition of this course, obtaining important feedback from the participants. ⇓


SIEDP Advanced Course in TPE, 2013, Milan

The course took place on 23-25 /2 2013, for a total of two days. The teachers were 6 (3 MD, psychologist and 2 educators).


The participants, enrolled as teams, were 39 (22 pediatricians, 11 RN and 6 psychologists), coming from 13 diabetes pediatric centers.

Below you can download the course program and the list of participants. ⇓




2nd SIEDP course in TPE, 2009, Belgirate (VB)

The course took place on 11-14 /2 and 6-9/ 5 2009, for a total of 6 days divided into two residential meetings. The teachers were 11 (4 MD, 3 psychologists, 2 educators, 1 RN and 1 expert patient), of whom 7 were present throughout the course: the doctors D. Bloise, A.M. and P. Patera; the psychologists T. Bufacchi and S. Zaffani, the nurse S. Tiozzo and the pedagogist N. Piana.

The participants, enrolled as teams, were 36 (18 pediatricians, 12 RN, 5 psychologists and 1 pedagogistfrom 16 Pediatric Diabetes Centers.

Below you can download the course program and the list of participants, as well as their anonymous reviews. ⇓






1st SIEDP Course in TPE, 2007-08, Civitella d'Arna (PG)

The course took place on 7-10 /11 2007 and 23-26 /1 2008, for a total of 6 days divided into two residential meetings. The teachers were 13 (5 MD, 3 psychologists, 2 educators and an expert patient), of whom 6 were present throughout the course: the doctors A. BaldelliD. Bloise, A.M. and P. Patera; the psychologist T. Bufacchi and the pedagogist N. Piana.

The participants, enrolled as a team, were 32: 15 pediatricians,10 RN, 6 psychologists and 1 pedagogist.

Below you can download the entire program of the course and the list of participants. ⇓



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