Preparazione efficace all'autogestione del diabete mellito.
2022 ComET-onlus - C.F. 97164840585
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In 2001, the Diabetes Education Study Group (DESG) of EASD published a document entitled BasicCurriculum (downloadable above), which suggested 8 modules, each of 8 hours, for the training of health personnel in ETP.
ComET, under the aegis of GISED and DESG, has carried out numerous residential courses based on those indications, attended by more than 100 doctors, nurses, dietitians and psychologists.
The third GISED course based on the DESG Curriculum took place in Assisi (PG) at the Grand Hotel Assisi. It was divided into 3 meetings of 3 days each on the following dates: 25-28 /1, 22-23 3and 10-13 / 5 2006, for a total of 64 hours effective (the entire program can be downloaded below) .
During the course, in addition to the doctors AM and A.Baldelli, and to the educator N. Piana, always present, 24 teachers rotated: 15 doctors, 2 nurses, 2 dieticians, 4 psychologists and an actor. The total participants were 28 (15 doctors, 10 nurses and 3 dieticians),24of whom were always present and received the DESG certificate (see below).
Each meeting assigned 15 ECM credits to doctors and 14 to nurses, for a total of 45 and 42 credits respectively.
The second GISED course based on the DESG Curriculum took place in Assisi (PG) at the Grand Hotel Assisi. It was divided into 3 meetings of 3 days each on the following dates: 29/11 - 2/12 2004, 16-19 /2 and 16-19 /3 2005, for a total of 64 effective hours (the entire program can be downloaded below).
During the course, in addition to AM, always present, 25 teachers rotated: 13 doctors, 3 nurses, 2 dieticians, 4 psychologists, a sociologist, an educator and an actor. The total participants were 35 (21 doctors, 9 nurses, 4 dieticians and 1 psychologist), of whom 26 were always present and received the DESG certificate (see below).
Each meeting assigned 15 ECM credits to doctors and 14 to nurses, for a total of 45 and 42 credits respectively.
In the days 19-20 /3 2005 we held in Assisi (PG) at the Grand Hotel Assisi, an update and follow-up meeting for participants in the 1st GISED-DESG Course of 2003-2004 (the program can be downloaded below).
The teachers present were 9: 8 doctors, and an educator.
The participants were 21.
The first GISED course based on the DESG Curriculum was held in Celano (AQ) at the Hotel "Le Gole". It was divided into 4 meetings of 2 days each on the following dates: 13-15 /11 and 4-6 /12 2003; 12-14/ 2 and 22-24 /4 2004, for a total of 64 hours effective (the entire program can be downloaded below).
During the course, in addition to the doctors D.Bloise, A.Baldelli, A.Corsi and AM always present, 14 teachers alternated: 8 doctors, 3 psychologists, a sociologist, an educator and an actor. The total participants were 36 (21 doctors and 15 nurses), of whom 24 were always present and received at the end the DESG certificate (see below).
Each meeting assigned 14 or 15 ECM credits to doctors and 13 or 14 to nurses, for a total of 59 and 54 credits respectively.