Educazione Terapeutica
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Preparazione efficace all'autogestione del diabete mellito.


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Relevant Websites

American Diabetes Association

Diabetes UK

Diabetes Forecast

Mountains for Active Diabetics (Facebook Group, closed)

World Diabetes Tour  and  T1D Challenge.  International community of type-1 diabetics who in recent yeears have been carrying out mountaineering and trekking projects throughout the world.

In other languages

Fondation recherche et formation pour l'enseignement du malade.  Website managed by Jean-Philippe Assal (considered the European father of Therapeutic Patient Education). It is in French, like the book Le Théâtre du Vécu by J-Ph Assal, M Durand, O Horn, but offers several printed and video productions in other languages, e.g. in English: "Gondoles et gondoliers" by J-Ph Assal; "Flashes" by J-Ph Assal, O Horn ...