Preparazione efficace all'autogestione del diabete mellito.
2022 ComET-ets - C.F. 97164840585
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In 2018 the Italian Society of Diabetology (SID) asked AM for a review about Type-1 Diabetes and High Mountains (with the possibility to include our experience) to be published on the online journal "Il Diabete", only available to SID members.
This is the paper: A. Maldonato: In alta quota con il diabete tipo-1. Il Diabete online, Vol. 30, N. 4, 2018, p 257-269.
Here it is possible to download the English translation of the review, made by the author. ⇓
In 2004, thanks to the contribution of Natalia Piana, we introduced the narrative-autobiographical approach in the care of teenagers at the school-camp, and since then we have regularly continued to adopt self-narration and autobiography, both in the care of patients , and in the training of health professionals.
After three years we have been able to observe the benefits obtained by teenagers with a qualitative research published in the prestigious journal Patient Education and Counseling.
Below you can download the original article.⇓
On 5-8 /11 2008, we organized the second world meeting on Therapeutic Patient Education, which included the 4th DAWN Summit.
Also this conference - which repeated and updated the experience of Florence-2006 - was a great success, with 557 participants coming from 51 countries.
The conference was preceded by 5 optional workshops, which registered full registrations. During the conference, there were 10 plenary lectures and 4 round tables held by the leading experts of the moment, as well as four sessions of 6 oral communications each, and 197 posters resulting from a rigorous selection. Also on this occasion, 12 stands were set up to demonstrate particular methods or educational tools.
The announcement of the conference and the national distribution of the participants can be downloaded below. ⇓
On 27-30 /4 2006, the ComET organized a world congress on Therapeutic Patient Education (in the English abbreviation: TPE) which included the 3rd DAWN Summit.
The conference - the first of its kind internationally - was a great success, with 812 participants coming from as many as 63 countries.
During the conference there were 9 plenary lectures and 4 round tables held by the world's leading experts, as well as four sessions of 6 oral communications each, and 197 posters. In addition, 10 stands were set up where particular methods or educational tools were repeatedly shown to the participants.
The conference program and the national distribution of the participants can be downloaded below. ⇓