Preparazione efficace all'autogestione del diabete mellito.
2022 ComET-ets - C.F. 97164840585
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MD, diabetologist in Rome at the ASH RMH2, polyclinic in Ariccia, PhD in Endocrinological and Metabolic Sciences, coordinator of the GISED (Italian Study Group for Education on Diabetes) since 2018. ComET advisor for all educational projects.
MD, endocrinologist and diabetologist, territorial specialist at the ASL of Rome. ComET advisor for training projects and in particular for physical activity education.
Educator, PhD in Educational Theories and Research Models in Pedagogy and Didactics, PhD in Translational Medicine and Surgery, uses the narrative-autobiographical approach in the treatment of chronic diseases and in the training of health workers. With ComET, she has introduced this approach in the world of diabetes, and regularly collaborates in educational and research programs.
A graduate in Foreign Languages and Literature, he is involved in numerous educational projects and in the re-discovery of the Umbrian territory. He has been a ComET advisor since 2003, in particular for the conduction of school camps.
MD, diabetologist in Cagliari, expert in therapeutic education, founded the GED (Education and Diabetes Group) in Sardinia. He collaborated with the ComET in the realization of numerous educational projects. For some years he has adopted a new approach to chronic disease care: the "Theatre of Experience", which was introduced by Jean-Philippe Assal, with whom he has published a book where the essence and main enactments of the method are described: "Il Teatro del Vissuto" by J-Ph Assal, L Carboni, O Horne.
MD, diabetologist in Genoa, holder of the four-year diploma in Therapeutic Education at the University of Geneva, former coordinator of GISED (Italian Study Group for Diabetes Education). He collaborated with the ComET in the implementation of numerous educational programs.
MD, Roman diabetologist transplanted in Bra (CN), Piedmont, has always been involved in Therapeutic Education. He regularly collaborates with the ComET in the realization of all the educational projects, bringing - among other things - the contribution of his guitar.